Logo Prix Européen de l'Essai

For the movement of thinking

The European Essay Award reveals to readers the best essays in all disciplines. It draws attention to authors whose work bear witness to and offer a fertile critique of current societies, their practices and ideologies. Awarded since 1975, it is the first literary prize devoted solely to the genre of the essay.

Dipesh Chakrabarty is awarded the European Essay Prize 2024

Dipesh Chakrabarty
© Alan Thomas

Dipesh Chakrabarty is awarded the 46th European Essay Prize on the occasion of the French translation of his latest essay Après le changement climatique, penser l’histoire (Paris: Gallimard, 2023).

August 28


Lausanne Palace

Award ceremony

followed by a cocktail reception and book signing.

Laudatio by Patrice Maniglier, philosopher, Université Paris Nanterre. Lecture by Dipesh Chakrabarty

→ Reservation required

The jury of the European Essay Prize wishes to pay tribute to this highly valuable essay, which provides a better understanding of our era and our responsibility in this world of climatic change. The jury particularly appreciated the global approach of this work, and the fact that reading it transforms and enables a new perception of time, and therefore of history.

The jury also emphasized the politicization of the earth described by Dipesh Chakrabarty.

Dipesh Chakrabarty was born in 1948 in Calcutta, where he grew up and studied. Now based in Chicago, he is considered one of the leading theorists of postcolonial studies since the publication of his essay Provincializing Europe in 2000, in which he succeeded in bringing the two registers into dialogue: the universal (or what claimed to be universal) and the local.

According to François Hartog, who signs the preface to this essay: “His attention to place and his practice of the distant gaze have enabled him to build a strong, open and ever-changing body of work.”

This essay highlights the change in the historical discipline itself, the change in human’s relationship to time and the world, and ultimately the change in the human condition.

August 29

5:30pm – 7pm

Payot Rive Gauche, Geneva


between Dipesh Chakrabarty and Pamela Ohene-Nyako (founder of Afrolitt), followed by an exchange with the public and a book signing.

August 31


Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne


Round table

Join us for this great debate dedicated to history, decolonial thought and climate change!

→ Free admission with registration

September 1

Le Livre sur les quais, Morges



between Dipesh Chakrabarty and Dominique Bourg, moderated by Pamela Ohene-Nyako (founder of Afrolitt). Consecutive translation by Laurent-Manuel Lefort.